Megha Bhouraskar

Board Member Megha Bhouraskar has an international reputation and a client-base spanning continents. While she grew up in New York City and attended New York Law School, Columbia University/Barnard College and the United Nations International School, her childhood summers were spent traveling internationally, living with her grandparents in Gwalior and Indore, and visiting friends in Mumbai and Delhi. This background has added several dimensions to her perspective on both personal and professional fronts. Megha continues to travel regularly to India and other parts of the World while she lives and practices in New York City.
Megha’s foray into law, was initially, for a ‘ticket to earn’ while she wrote fiction and poetry. Then, her passion for innovative viewpoints, negotiating and strategizing for clients, writing and speaking practice, paired with her empathetic coaching, mentoring, negotiating and transactional skills, set her apart as one of New York’s most trusted international names in law and business.